Friday, August 19, 2005

"The Creation of a Complete Planetary Memory for All of Mankind"

In light of Google's quest to index the world's knowledge by not only continuing to improve on their search capabilities, but also scan in the world's texts, this is an interesting observation made by a B2.0 blogger.

There is no practical obstacle whatever now to the creation of an efficient index to all human knowledge, ideas and achievements, to the creation, that is, of a complete planetary memory for all mankind....

This... foreshadows a real intellectual unification of our race. The whole human memory can be, and probably in a short time will be, made accessible to every individual.

And... this new all-human cerebrum need not be concentrated in any one single place. It need not be vulnerable as a human head or a human heart is vulnerable. It can be reproduced exactly and fully, in Peru, China, Iceland, Central Africa, or wherever else seems to afford an insurance against danger and interruption.

—H.G. Wells, 1938


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